On November 6, 2021, a tree planting campaign, initiated by the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was held in a big way.
The tree planting event was attended by the President of Turkmenistan, members of the Government, representatives of the ministries and agencies, students of the higher educational institutions, as well as the residents of Turkmenistan.
Today’s tree planting campaign is held in accordance with the National Strategy of Turkmenistan on Climate change and aimed at the fulfillment of the Goal 15 of the SDGs – “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss”.
Turkmenistan is actively cooperates with the authoritative international organizations, primarily with the UN, and is an initiator of the constructive decisions of the global ecological problems in the name of the well-being of the planet.
Speaking at the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) in Glasgow, the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that in order to achieve the goals of the climate agenda, Turkmenistan at the national level pays special attention to the reduction of methane emissions. He also noted the intention of Turkmenistan to study the new initiative on the Global Methane Commitment and take the decision to possible substantive participation in it.
Based on the recommendations of the Convention and its obligations under the Paris Agreement, Turkmenistan is making practical efforts in the field of climate change, in particular millions of tree seedlings are planted annually in Turkmenistan. So, in 2020, 25 million seedlings were planted, and in 2021 it is planned to plant - 30 million seedlings.
The ecological policy of Turkmenistan is aimed at maintaining of the international community in the issue of reducing the greenhouse gas emissions, using ecologically clean technologies in the industrial sector, reforestation and improved land use to mitigate climate impacts.
At present within the framework of large-scale nationwide program “Green belt”, extensive forest belts are created in the country around cities and towns. It is important to note that at the summit of world leaders (COP26) the Declaration on Forests and Land Use was signed on which more than 100 countries which have more than 86 per cent of the world forests, pledged to work together, so that to stop the process of the loss of forests and reverse land degradation by 2030.