
On the 12th of August 2021, a Scientific-practical Conference entitled “Cooperation in the area of protection of the marine environment of the Caspian Sea” was held in the Agricultural Complex of Turkmenistan.

The Conference timed to the Day of the Caspian Sea was attended by the Minister of Agriculture and Environment Protection of Turkmenistan, Director of the Caspian Sea Institute, as well as the leading specialists from profile ministries and departments of the country.  Besides, the heads and representatives of the diplomatic missions of the Caspian states, as well as the specialists of international organizations working in Turkmenistan took part in the session.    

The Director of the Regional Programme of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) “Integrative and Climate Sensitive Land Use for Economic Development in Central Asia”, Sub-regional Coordinator of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for Central Asia,  Regional Coordinator of the UN Environment Programme for Europe Office/Tehran Convention Interim Secretariat, as well as the Executive Director of the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC) participated to the meeting via videoconferencing.  

The participants exchanged views on a wide range of issues related to the expansion and strengthening of multilateral partnership on the Caspian Sea.  In this respect, the participants emphasized the necessity of intensifying collaboration of the region’s countries both in five-sided, as well as in bilateral and trilateral formats.   

It was especially noted that among the priority vectors of state policy of Turkmenistan on the Caspian Sea is to take active part in the established regional five-sided mechanisms of cooperation and initiation of new formats of multilateral interaction. 

The intensification of joint activities on the preparations to the Sixth Caspian Summit, as well as the development and approval of the documents planned to be signed within the Summit was a separate topic of discussion.