Turkmen mix fight wrestlers win 8 gold medals of the World Cup

Representative tournament of the World Mix Fight Cup (this sport is also referred to as the MMA from English Mixed martial arts) was held in Belgorod – Dnestrovsky (Ukraine) on May 28 - June 6. 

The competitions have brought together 550 sportsmen from 15 countries. Turkmenistan was represented by three wrestlers, each of them has managed to perform deservingly, having won 10 medals, 8 gold and 2 silver. 

Master of Sports Shokhrat Orazgeldiyev, who works of the Ministry of Interior, became a winner in grappling (it is distinguished by wrestling techniques with grapples), elite and full categories. In the result, he took three gold medals. 

Teacher of secondary school No. 47 of Ashagabt, Master of Sports Orazgeldy Orazgeldiyev won tw gold medals in grappling and full disciplines as well as silver medal in light discipline. 

Acting hanmundo coach of Turkmenistan Martial Art Federation Shokhrat Aliyev, who is Master of Sports of international category, won four medals, three of which are the gold. He had no one equal to him in full, light and forms (nunchaku technique) discipline and took the silver in grappling.