Sugar factory is under construction in Balkan Velayat


The factory, which is built by Hyzmatdashlar Open Joint Stock Venture in Serdar etrap, Balkan Velayat, will produce 150 thousand tons of sugar. Nusay Yollary Individua Enterprise is the general contractor of the project. 200 million manats project is implemented from the credit granted by Senagat Joint Stock and Commercial Bank and own finances of the company. Shareholders plan to start the production in the next year. General Director of the venture Hudayberdy Hangeldiyev said that planned production volume would allow exporting several dozens of tons of production per year.

Number of facilities has already been built in Serdar etrap. It includes office building, warehouses for raw materials and ready production, polypropylene production workshop. The construction of the main production building is under completion. Installation of the equipment procured from the leading European companies of Germany, Czech Republic, Belarus, Ukraine will be started soon. Gas power station is built for production of technological steam at the facility.

Latest technologies and equipment provide the organization of two production cycles – the processing of raw material exported from foreign countries and sugar beet cultivated locally, for production of which more than three thousands hectares have been allocated in the country.